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محاكي شبكات سيسكو .. البرنامج العالمي الأول لــ محاكاة الراوترات كـــشكل و برمجة | Boson

Boson NetSim Network Simulator 10.13.5911.21548 | 211.88 MB

محاكي شبكات سيسكو .. الأول 
The Cisco Network Simulator, Router Simulator & Switch Simulator.

البرنامج Boson NetSim Network Simulator
هو محاكي راوترات كـــ شكل و برمجة
يجهز الخبراء لعمل شبكة وهمية رواترات و سويتشات في محاكي شبكي
و يسمح ببناء شبكات ضخمة و محاكاتها نظريا ... هو الأقوى حتى الآن ولا وجود لمنافس بنفس الجودة
و يخدم الشبكات التالية
 CCENT Network Simulator, CCNA Network Simulator and CCNP Network Simulator
و يتضمن ايضا  موسوعة شاملة تحوي دروس و أفكار عن بروتوكولات و اجهزة سيسكو و السويتشات و المزيد
مزايااا رهيبة
يمكن تصميم شبكة مكونة من 42 نوع مختلف من الراوترات و 5 انواع مختلفة من السويتشات و اختيار الكلفة الأقل حتى يتم شرائها ... ( يقدم نصائح مادية في العمل )
كل ماعليك هو تحميل البرنامج ثم القيام بالسحب و الافلات للسويتشات و الرواترات و وضع ip  خاص ثم محاكاة الشبكة بالطريقة التي تريد
ميزات عالمية و متقدمة
يدعم 42 رواتر و 5 سويتشات و 3 أجهزة اخرى
يحاكي الشبكة ب باكيت وهمي virtual packet technology
يخدم على مستويين هما Telnet Mode or Console mode
يدعم على مايقارب بوضع 200 جهاز على الشبكة و عمل محاكاة
يمكنه دعم أجهزة ليست لسيسكو مثل
non-Cisco devices, such as TFTP Server, TACACS+ and Packet Generator
يمكنك البحث ضمن البرنامج عن متطلباتك
و الكثيير مع البرنامج 

 التحميل(( من هنا ))

كتيب عربي صغير مكون من 7 صفحات يشرح بعضا من خواص البرنامج منقول من منتدى عربي 

The Cisco Network Simulator, Router Simulator & Switch Simulator. The Boson NetSim Network Simulator is an application that simulates Cisco Systems' networking hardware and software and is designed to aid the user in learning the Cisco IOS command structure.

NetSim utilizes Boson's proprietary Network Simulator, Router Simulator® and EROUTER® software technologies, along with the Boson Virtual Packet Technology® engine, to create individual packets. These packets are routed and switched through the simulated network, allowing NetSim to build an appropriate virtual routing table and simulate true networking. Other simulation products on the market do not support this level of functionality.

Boson offers a NetSim CCENT Network Simulator, CCNA Network Simulator and CCNP Network Simulator. Each supports the technologies and skills you will need for the respective certification. Boson NetSim provides more versatility and support than any other network simulation software on the market. NetSim software also includes a comprehensive lab menu that contains lessons and labs covering routing protocols, Cisco devices, switching, topological design and much more.

Advantages of Software-Based Network Simulation
Boson NetSim is a versatile tool and valuable asset, both in a classroom and for corporate use; it also provides a self-paced learning environment.

For many individuals, the availability of Cisco routers and switches is often limited. The cost and fragility of equipment makes rack rentals impractical at this level. Boson NetSim makes it possible to design and configure a network with 42 different router models and 5 different switch models* to choose from without having to pay a lot of money, or worrying about transporting and damaging valuable equipment.

NetSim's router, switch and station simulation components contained within the software are the most advanced in the industry. Within NetSim, simulation of routers, switches and PCs is included in a completely customizable drag-and-drop network-simulation package. Furthermore, Boson NetSim simulates both switching bridge tables and routing protocol tables to allow you to go OUTSIDE of the labs and create your own labs using the Boson Network Designer.

Advanced Features Included With Boson NetSim:
- Supports 42 routers, 8 switches* and 3 other devices
- Simulates network traffic with virtual packet technology
-- Provides two different viewing styles: Telnet modeTelnet Mode or Console modeConsole Mode
- Supports up to 200 devices on one Network TopologyNetwork Topology
- Allows instructors to create and include their own labsLab Compiler and offer grading for them
- Allows you to create NetSim simulated networks with the Boson Network DesignerNetwork Designer
- Includes labs that support SDM SimulationSDM Simulation
- Includes non-Cisco devices, such as TFTP Server, TACACS+ and Packet Generator
- Enables users to access specific labs by conducting keyword and curriculum searches

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