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كيفيه تصفح المواقع وتحميلها دون اتصال بالنت | MetaProducts Offline Explorer

MetaProducts Offline Explorer Enterprise SR2 Multilingual | 27.8 MB

موضوعنا اليوم سيكون رائعا للكثيرين ويتعلق بتصفح المواقع بدون نت ..يعانى الكثيرون منا من ضيق الوقت او الانشغال ويرغبون بتحصفح موقع نت معين في اوقات محدده لايتوفر فيها نت او على اجهزه اخرى او الذين يعانون من بطء في النت سنقدم اليوم موضوعا جميلا لعملاق من عمالقه تحميل المواقع او الصفحات وتستطيع التحكم بما ترغب بتحميله في الموقع من صور او فلاشات او برامج ..الخ لتتصفحها لاحقا ...ويعتبر من اجمل انتاجات شركه الميتا
برنامج Offline Explorer Enterprise اوفيس اكسبلور انتربريس برنامج تصفح النت بدون اتصال بعتبر الافضل من نوعه لتصفح الانترنت بدون الاتصال كما ان البرنامج سهل الاستخدام ويعمل على جميع اصدرات الوندوز وبدون مشاكل

البرنامج  كامل للتحميل تستطيع ان تحميل صفحة الروابط الخاصة بموقعك Google SiteMap او تحميل صفحات الانترنت وشروحات البرامج تستطيع ان تقرأ شروحات البرنامج بدون الاتصال بالنت فقط كل ما عليك ان تقوم بحفظ الصفحة الخاصة بالشرح ومن ثم فتح الصفحة وقراءة الشرح لتحميل برنامح معين او قراءة خطوات عمل كراك لبرنامج معين تستطيع تحميل صفحات من نوع
CSS,) Macromedia Flash, XML/XSL/DTD,Table Of Contents (TOC,) Acrobat (PDF,) M3U, AAM files, RealMedia (.SMIL, .RAM, .RPM,) MS NetShow Channel (.NSC,) VRML (.WRL, .WRZ,) QuickTime (.MOV,) MMS, PNM and RTSP ) 
كما انه يدعم العديد من الصفحات ويعمل على جميع المتصفحات

التحميل (( من هنا ))

Offline Browser: Make your own offline browsing solutions with OLE Automation. Experience the full power of Offline Explorer Enterprise: a scalable solution supporting massive downloads, fast data processing and capable to integrate with your company applications and systems.

Bringing new unlimited capabilities in archiving Websites
Being the industry-leading application for Website archiving and downloading, Offline Explorer Enterprise delivers the high-level downloading technology and industrial-strength capabilities. Download up to 100 million URLs per Project. Archive Websites automatically on a regular basis. Copy the downloaded Websites directly to your hard drive or to other external media, like Flash drives or DVDs. Archive the downloaded content in any format: WARC, ZIP, CHM, EXE. Examine a detailed download report for downloaded URLs and link errors.

Is Internet access restricted at your company? We know how to still have necessary Websites at hands.
There are many reasons why Internet access can be limited. If your company or educational organization restricts Internet access for security or productivity reasons, your employees still need access to certain industry related Websites. Offline Explorer Enterprise can download all relevant Websites to publish them in your Intranet easily.

Create your own offline browsing solution
OLE Automation enables developers to interoperate with Offline Explorer Enterprise making its folders, Projects and downloads fully accessible. Create your own solution using Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi or another COM-compatible development environment to start new downloads, manage Projects and process downloaded Websites via Offline Explorer Enterprise.

Precise and flexible
It’s easy to download bulk Websites or just some files you need. With its varied and flexible settings, Offline Explorer Enterprise gives you full control over what to download and what to skip. Everything is possible with Offline Explorer Pro: downloading password-protected Websites, setting the download to automatically start at the time you need, using Macros to download constantly updated Websites, and many more.

Always Up-to-date, for 18+ years
For more than 18 years, Offline Explorer Enterprise has progressed to the state of the art in Website capturing. Since appearing in 1997, we have permanently been adding new functionality and latest technology to present continual and consistent updates.

Capturing Social Networking Websites
Capture social networking Websites like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and other interactive Websites. New practical Wizards let you quickly download your favorite social media Websites.

Task-based Wizards to dramatically speed-up your workflow
The fastest and most efficient Website downloader is now first to offer the task based Wizards, so you can uniquely easy download the Web content you need. Get started with almost any download task you might need using new Wizards with no need to set many Properties.

New Features:
- Capturing Social Networking and other interactive Websites;
- Saving passwords on the fly to download Password-protected Websites;
- Task-based Wizards to easily create download tasks;
- Report of all downloaded URLs and link errors;
- WARC files creation option;
- WARC files recording option;
- Setting download priority for selected file types;
- AutoRefresh for Internal browser tabs;
- Recent and Active screen in the Ribbon File tab;
- Option to export to MAFF archives;
- New Help center;
- Migration Wizard to transfer Projects and settings to another computer;
- Office 2013-like design of the Ribbon;
- And many more.