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طرح نسخة جديدة و المستقرة من Vivaldi : المتصفح الأكثر خفة و الأقل استهلاكا للرامات

Vivaldi 1.8.770 Final (x86/x64) | 84,19 Mb

بعد التجربة و الفحص و التدقيق ، متصفح Vivaldi يتجاوز باقي المتصفحات مثل فايرفوكس و كروم بخطوات...

بعد تجربة المتصفح الجديد الذي يحمل اسم Vivaldi ، و استكشاف كل الوضائف و الخصائص  التي يقدمها ، نصحنا و بشدة متتبعينا بتجربته و دعمه  لما يتميز من مميزات تفوق باقي المتصفحات ، أهمها الخفة و السرعة و الإستهلاك  القليل للرامات .

الجديد في الموضوع هو طرح النسخة الرسمية و المستقرة  رقم 1.2 مع التحديثات الكاملة من متصفح فيفالدي Vivaldi الذي حصل في مرحلة طرح نسخته التجريبية و الاصدار الأول على الكثير من الإعجاب و التقدير من طرف المستخدمين ..حيث حصل في مرحة المعاينة الفنية فقط على أزيد من 2 مليون تحميل .

و لمن لا يعرف Vivaldi فهو يختلف تماما عن تلك المتصفحات المعدلة التي تجدها غالبا مبنية على متصفح كروم أو فايرفوكس مثل Torch و Spark.. ، فهو متصفح قائم بذاته ، مبني من الصفر على محركات كروميوم  . و بواجهة مستخدم مكتوبة بلغة جافا سكريبت  . كما تجدر الإشارة الى أن المشروع تم إنشاءه من طرف مسؤول سيو السابق لشركة متصفح أوبرا Jon von Tetzchner  مما يعني أن متصفح Vivaldi هو مشروع جدي قائم بذاته يملك كل مقومات النجاح .

 أفضل مميزات و خصائص متصفح Vivaldi :
- دعم لكل إضافات  متصفح جوجل كروم و أوبرا .
- استهلاك أقل للرامات و موارد الأجهزة التي يعمل عليها .
- واجهة رسومية سهلة و تفاعلية و قابلة للتخصيص و التعديل  حسب حاجة المستخدمين .
- امكانية خلق اختصارات الكيبورد و حتى الماوس التي  التي تسمح بتنفيذ الأوامر على المتصفح فقط بحركة معينة منها  .
- امكانية تجميع علامات التبويب للمواقع Tabs وتصنيفها و تغيير أمكنتها .
- دعم لمختلف انظمة التشغيل المكتبية و بمختلف المعماريات : ويندوز ، ماك ، لينكس .

الموقع الرسمي و التحميل (( من هنا )) 

Vivaldi is an intuitive and very appealing piece of software whose main purpose resides in offering you a new way of browsing the Internet. Despite being based on the Chromium engine, it offers a series of additional tools and components to serve your every need when visiting your favorite webpages.

Feature-packed yet unobtrusive GUI

The program displays a compact and intuitive user interface, allowing you to open multiple tabs and organize them with the help of the ‘Tabs Stacks’ feature, so you can switch between them with ease, either via mouse actions or keyboard shortcuts. However, it cannot run in multiple instances or several simultaneous windows.

In a retractable side-panel, Vivaldi offers you various handy tools to enhance your browsing experiences, while also providing you with one-click access to its ‘Settings’ window, enabling you to customize its usage to suit your particular needs. These are also accessible by clicking on the utility’s icon in the upper left corner, which reveals a series of menus and submenus.

Visit websites, create bookmarks or write down notes in just a few moves

Vivaldi allows you to surf the Internet just like any other browser, offering you basic functions as such ‘Forward’, ‘Back’, ‘Home’ or ‘Refresh’, as well as a search box that can perform Google lookups.

It also offers a more advanced feature, ‘Site Info’, which provides you with details about the cookies and site data, letting you manage ‘Permissions’ (images, JavaScript, plugins, popups, notifications, mouse lock or others) and view ‘Connection’ information; this can prove useful, particularly if you are concerned about your online safety.

From the side-panel, you can access and manage your ‘Bookmarks’, being able to group them into categories, open them in other tabs or remove them altogether. You can also manage your contacts’ information (email address, phone number, postal address) or you can write down notes and grab screenshots of the current webpage.

Moreover, Vivaldi offers extensive support for keyboard shortcuts, allowing you to perform almost any action you need through a few keystrokes. These can be customized from the ‘Settings’ section, along with other ‘Appearance’ related aspects and ‘Privacy’ preferences.

An intuitive Chromium-based web browser

To conclude, Vivaldi is an interesting application that you can resort to as a more practical alternative to regular browsers, thanks to the helpful functions that if provides you with. Being in its development stage, it still has some kinks to work out, but as it is, Vivaldi presents a lot of promise for the future.

Adaptive Interface
• Vivaldi ’s color scheme will adapt as you browse the web, much like a chameleon adapts to its surroundings. A clean and modern look complements the content. Facebook turns Vivaldi blue, The Verge will make it orange – If you so wish.

Spatial Navigation
• Say goodbye to tab-cycling through web page content now. You can move in every axis using the arrow keys. Get faster anywhere on the web page using your keyboard.

• Have multiple computers that you want to keep in sync? Vivaldi Sync enables this beautifully. Your bookmarks, history, passwords and settings can all be synchronized across various instances of Vivaldi through the encrypted sync infrastructure. Watch out – It’s coming soon.

• Now that’s a double treat – your e-mail client built into your web browser. E-mail is still undeniably important to many of us. Vivaldi offers a robust, efficient, light-weight mail client. And, it's going to be called M3. Stay tuned for updates.

Powerful Bookmarks
• How many bookmarks do you have in your browser? 56, 225, or 1056? If you use bookmarks a lot, you have come to the right place! With Vivaldi's bookmark manager you can organize and access your bookmark efficiently. You can set your own tags and nicks for lightning fast access.

Web Panels
• Web Panels allow you to view websites as a panel on the sidebar of your Vivaldi browser. Read news, follow conversations on social media, chat with your friends and much more, while using the main browser window separately. It’s the next best thing to having a “Boss Button” on your browser.