تعرف على البرنامج الرهيب لحل مشاكل الاتصال بالانترنت | Complete Internet Repair
Complete Internet Repair 5.0.0 Build 3706 portable | File Size : 2.6 Mb
معلومات عن البرنامج
برنامج Complete Internet Repair هو برنامج يتيح لك اصلاح مشاكل البرامج المشتركة المتصلة بالإنترنت
يستطيع هذا البرنامج تثبيت كاملة لإصلاح
يمكن أن تضع الأداة على جهاز خارجي وتشغيلها على أي جهاز كمبيوتر. أيضا، لن يتم تغيير إدخالات سجل ويندوز الخاص بك.
وهذا البرنامج ايضا يعمل على حل جميع مشاكل الاتصال بالانترنت ويساعدك في حلها بكل سهولة.
برنامج Complete Internet Repair هو برنامج يتيح لك اصلاح مشاكل البرامج المشتركة المتصلة بالإنترنت
يستطيع هذا البرنامج تثبيت كاملة لإصلاح
يمكن أن تضع الأداة على جهاز خارجي وتشغيلها على أي جهاز كمبيوتر. أيضا، لن يتم تغيير إدخالات سجل ويندوز الخاص بك.
وهذا البرنامج ايضا يعمل على حل جميع مشاكل الاتصال بالانترنت ويساعدك في حلها بكل سهولة.
التحميل من الموقع الرسمي (( من هنا ))
Complete Internet Repair will give you a free option to attempt to
repair everything internet related. Complete Internet Repair is
portable; this means you can carry it around with you on a USB flash
drive and have it ready when something goes wrong. It will not write any
settings to the registry or leave any traces on your computer. So, for
all you wannabe technicians out there; you can use it and nobody would
ever know you did. We recommend you download it now while you still have
internet access. You never know what could happen.
Complete Internet Repair could help if you are experiencing any of the following problems:
Internet or network problem after removing adware, spyware, virus, worm, Trojan horse, etc.
Loss network connection after installing/uninstalling adware, spyware, antispam, vpn, firewall or other networking programs.
Unable to access any webpage or can only access some webpages.
Pop-up error window with network related problem description.
No network connectivity due to registry errors.
DNS lookup problem.
Fail to renew the network adapters IP address or other DHCP errors.
Network connectivity issue with limited or no connections message.
Windows update does not work
You are having problems connecting to secured websites (ex. Banking).
Internet Explorer stopped working or crashes all the time.
Whats New:
Version (2017 20, 2017)
- Cleaner optimized code.
- Removed unsupported Win10 AutoIt directive.
- New menus design with icons.
- Moved Event Viewer and Reboot Windows options to the Maintenance menu.
- Resources now embedded in main Executable. No more external resource Dlls.
- Improved update notification system with option to disable update checks.
- Added update animation.
- Added GitHub link to the Help menu to quickly create an issue.
- Added GitHub link on the About Dialog.
- Added Downloads, Contact and Donate links to the Help menu.
- New PayPal.me donation link (PayPal.me/rizonesoft).
- New none-intrusive Donate prompt after a set time. (120 Hours Default)
The Donate prompt will only be shown once.
- Improved custom Progress Bar.
- Improved About Dialog (New Mouse Hover Effects for Image Buttons).
- Improved Splash Screen (New custom Progress Bar).
- Added Localization (Translations).
- Added Afrikaans language file.
- Alt+F4 now closes the program and not Esc. (Safer)
- New Global error count for the logging subsystem.
- Moved Documents to Documents folder.
- New Help (chm) file.
- Mouse over event now not firing on disabled Options.
- Errors now indicated on progress display.
- Smoother _GUIExtender() function on startup.
- Improved Dll registration functions.
- Improved reboot messages. Only if a reboot is required.
- Improved Internet Explorer Repair function.
- HOSTS file backup now working correctly on 64Bit system.
- Added BITS Diagnostic to the Troubleshooting menu.
- Windows Troubleshooting modules now detected and menu updated accordingly.
- Minor Interface Tweaks and enhancements.
Complete Internet Repair could help if you are experiencing any of the following problems:
Internet or network problem after removing adware, spyware, virus, worm, Trojan horse, etc.
Loss network connection after installing/uninstalling adware, spyware, antispam, vpn, firewall or other networking programs.
Unable to access any webpage or can only access some webpages.
Pop-up error window with network related problem description.
No network connectivity due to registry errors.
DNS lookup problem.
Fail to renew the network adapters IP address or other DHCP errors.
Network connectivity issue with limited or no connections message.
Windows update does not work
You are having problems connecting to secured websites (ex. Banking).
Internet Explorer stopped working or crashes all the time.
Whats New:
Version (2017 20, 2017)
- Cleaner optimized code.
- Removed unsupported Win10 AutoIt directive.
- New menus design with icons.
- Moved Event Viewer and Reboot Windows options to the Maintenance menu.
- Resources now embedded in main Executable. No more external resource Dlls.
- Improved update notification system with option to disable update checks.
- Added update animation.
- Added GitHub link to the Help menu to quickly create an issue.
- Added GitHub link on the About Dialog.
- Added Downloads, Contact and Donate links to the Help menu.
- New PayPal.me donation link (PayPal.me/rizonesoft).
- New none-intrusive Donate prompt after a set time. (120 Hours Default)
The Donate prompt will only be shown once.
- Improved custom Progress Bar.
- Improved About Dialog (New Mouse Hover Effects for Image Buttons).
- Improved Splash Screen (New custom Progress Bar).
- Added Localization (Translations).
- Added Afrikaans language file.
- Alt+F4 now closes the program and not Esc. (Safer)
- New Global error count for the logging subsystem.
- Moved Documents to Documents folder.
- New Help (chm) file.
- Mouse over event now not firing on disabled Options.
- Errors now indicated on progress display.
- Smoother _GUIExtender() function on startup.
- Improved Dll registration functions.
- Improved reboot messages. Only if a reboot is required.
- Improved Internet Explorer Repair function.
- HOSTS file backup now working correctly on 64Bit system.
- Added BITS Diagnostic to the Troubleshooting menu.
- Windows Troubleshooting modules now detected and menu updated accordingly.
- Minor Interface Tweaks and enhancements.
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