تحميل برنامج *Edraw Max* النسخة الجديدة ، للرسومات والاعمال التقديمية والتعليمية.
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تحميل برنامج *Edraw Max* النسخة الجديدة ، للرسومات والاعمال التقديمية والتعليمية.
التقدم السريع فى اساليب عرض وتحليل البيانات للمستخدمين يجب ان يتم بشكل دائم لتحصل الشركات على افضل الحلول التى تناسب تطلعات ورغبات المستخدمين والعملاء فى كل الظروف ، ومن اهم الاعمال التى تساهم فى ذلك عرض المنتجات بالاسلوب المميز وايضا اضافة الرسومات والمخططات المناسبة لمجال العمل ، ومن اهم البرمجيات التى تستخدم وتختص بانشاء المعلومات البيانية التى ستفيد المستخدم والشركة برنامج ايدرو ماكس /*Edraw Max*/ ، فهو من برمجيات التخطيط والرسم البيانى الاحترافى فقد قامت شركة edrawsoft بانتاجه لمنافسة الكثير من برمجيات الرسم التوضيحي ، ويقدم حلولا قوية وطريقة فريدة مميزة لانشاء الخرائط وتسهيل تصميم المنتجات التى تحتاج الى تصميم فنى ، وحتى مواقع الويب يدخل برنامج ادرو ماكس فى تصميمها ليخرج لك افضل عمل فى وقت قياسي ، اضافة الى امكانية استعمال ادرو ماكس فى العملية التعليمية وهو برنامج ذو شاشة اكثر وضوحا وادوات متنوعة لاصحاب الاعمال.
استخدم تطبيق شركة edrawsoft يعنى استفادة اكبر وانتاج افضل واسلوب تعلم جديد يفيد المستخدم والشركة بكافة الوسائل ، فبضغطات قليلة فى برنامج ادرو ماكس تحصل على نتائج المخطط او العرض التى تكون احترفية بلا عناء كبير فقد تم تصميم برنامج ادرو ماكس ليتناسب مع متطلباتك واولويات العمل المتعلق بالتصميمات بكافة المجالات ، كذلك فان برنامج اليوم يقدم الاسلوب المناسب لاداء اعمال اكثر احترافة واعلى دقة من عدة حيثيات وتقنيات تساعد فى زيادة الانتاج فى كافة المجالات ونواحى العمل على التطبيق.
1. تحميل برنامج باركود سكانر barcode scanner الاقوي لقراءة الشفرات سريعا.
2. تنزيل تطبيق لايت شوت lightshot للشاشة واضافة النصوص والاشكال اليها.
3. تقسيم الهارد acronis disk director واضافة العديد من الاقراص قد تفيدك فى عدة امور تعرف عليها وحمل نسخة اكرونيس.
4. الحصول على اعلى الاعمال الاقياسية مع برنامج اسكتش اب sketchup من جوجل.
مميزات Edraw Max وخصائص ادرو ماكس
* سوف تتعامل بشكل سهل بواجهة Edraw Max للتخطيط السريع والرسم الافضل للتوضيحات الافضل سواء للتعلم او الرسوم البيانية او غيرها.
* متوفر عدة اضافة تعتبر هى الاقوى بين تطبيقات الرسوم والتخطيطات البيانية والخرائط والمقدمات التعليمية والتوضيحة.
* يوفر لك *Edraw Max* فى نسخته عدة مميزات هى الابرز فى فى مجال الاعمال والتى يحتاج اليها الكثير من المستخدمين.
* الواجهة الاسهل فى ادرو ماكس من حيث سرعة وصولك للاشكال واسلوب السحب لنسخ الاشكال.
* شاهد تعديلاتك فى وقتها الفعلي مع برنامج ادرو ماكس.
* الوان التطبيق ادرو ماكس وسهولة تغييرها فى النصوص والرموز تساعدك بشكل كبير فى تلبية رغباتك فى انجاز الرسومات والاعمال الواضحة.
التحميل (( من هنا ))
Edraw Max is an all-in-one diagram software that makes it simple to
create professional-looking flowcharts, organizational charts, network
diagrams, business presentations, building plans, mind maps, science
illustration, fashion designs, UML diagrams, workflows, program
structures, web design diagrams, electrical engineering diagrams,
directional maps, database diagrams and more.
With large pre-drawn libraries and more than 6000 vector symbols, drawing couldn't be easier! Edraw Max enables you to create a wide range of diagrams using templates, shapes, and drawing tools while working in an intuitive and familiar Office-style environment.
Edraw Solution
In a corporate environment, the folks in human resources need to be able to create organizational charts, some business presentations, and perhaps some directional maps and building floor plans to guide visitors through the building. But, in the same company, the programmers and engineers also need software that lets them build UML diagrams, workflows, program structures, web design diagrams, electrical engineering diagrams, and database diagrams.
What's the solution? Buy separate graphics programs for each department's individual needs and hope your company approves the purchase? Buy one graphics program which suits one group but forces the others to compromise and make do? What about none of the above?
Edraw Max lets you create charts and diagrams to suit all of the above requirements and much more. With over 6000 vector symbols included and an extensive library of pre-drawn illustrations, you will never have to purchase another graphics program ever again!
The best strength about Edraw Max is its flexibility. You can export in any graphics format, PDF, SVG or EPS, print with full WYSIWYG support, or share with others as a Word, Excel, PowerPoint file. You can even link diagrams to underlying data to provide even more detailed information to your audience.
Why Choose Edraw Max
- Uses the diagramming software that best maps to what you know and where you're heading.
- Fully vector-based graphic software, which facilitates the rapid creation of flowcharts, organizational charts, network diagrams and more.
- Supports to import the existing Visio XML file perfectly.
- Just drag the built-in shapes from the library pane and drop them on your page. Drawing couldn't be easier!
- Creates professional-looking diagrams quickly with themes, effects and quick styles.
- Gains greater productivity in diagramming with features like automatically alignment and arrangement of all shapes.
- Includes lots of high-quality shapes, examples and templates.
- Distinct colors, fonts, shapes, styles, pictures, text, and symbols are available for each diagram object.
- Easily visualize complex information with a wide range of diagrams. Make those diagrams even smarter and more useful by linking them to underlying data, which provides a more complete picture of the system or process.
- Works with MS Office well. It can be integrated with Microsoft Office application easily. The UI is MS Office-style like so it's easy to learn and use. If you are familiar with MS Office, you will become familiar with Edraw soon.
- Generics graphic formats support and WYSIWYG printing.
Software Features
- The UI is MS Office style like. Full ribbon features.
- Added Themes, Color Themes, Effects and Fonts. Easy to change the whole diagram by changing the active theme. With the new Theme feature, you can format the colors and effects in an entire diagram with a single click.
- Real-time previews. When you scroll over the various galleries in Edraw, you'll see your drawings and various objects change to display what they'll look like if you decide to apply those settings. Just click on the thumbnail in the gallery to actually accept the changes. This makes it a lot faster to see, for example, how changing a color scheme will affect your drawings.
- Quick layouts and quick styles. These provide quick formatting options for the object in question, and make it easy to create good-looking slides with just a few clicks.
- Put Edraw graphics into Word, Excel, PowerPoint with one-click buttons.
- Text objects supported line space, bullet, Indent, back color, super script, sub script and more.
- Shadows in general are so much nicer compared with those in previous versions. We can actually control the transparency, amount of blur and color now.
- Shape and text presets make it really easy to apply a preset look to an object or text.
- It's quicker to zoom in and out now using the zoom slider in the southeast corner of the screen.
- Table support.
- Recolor picture, Light and Contrast, transparent PNG support.
- Opened the Shape Sheet for senior users to create more complicated shapes.
- More than 2000 clip arts.
- Improved Insert Hyperlink function.
- Enhanced Print function. Support more page sizes such as A0 and A1. You can also print the large size graphics in separate pages.
- Persistent undo and redo.
High quality graphic export. Easy to create SVG graphics.
Whats New:
new function Added the free Edraw Online File Viewer lets users open Edraw files on any device, using your favorite browser. No installation required.
new function Added the function to crop a picture with a shape.
fix bug Added the cuvel text and text on path feature.
fix bug Added the share feature to share the diagram to facebook, twite and other social platform.
fix bug Added the float menu for every shape.
fix bug Added the pixel unit.
new function Improved the text box, lines, arrow shapes, callouts and basic charts.
fix bug Added infographic charts, world maps and map points.
fix bug Added certificate shapes and gift voucher shapes.
With large pre-drawn libraries and more than 6000 vector symbols, drawing couldn't be easier! Edraw Max enables you to create a wide range of diagrams using templates, shapes, and drawing tools while working in an intuitive and familiar Office-style environment.
Edraw Solution
In a corporate environment, the folks in human resources need to be able to create organizational charts, some business presentations, and perhaps some directional maps and building floor plans to guide visitors through the building. But, in the same company, the programmers and engineers also need software that lets them build UML diagrams, workflows, program structures, web design diagrams, electrical engineering diagrams, and database diagrams.
What's the solution? Buy separate graphics programs for each department's individual needs and hope your company approves the purchase? Buy one graphics program which suits one group but forces the others to compromise and make do? What about none of the above?
Edraw Max lets you create charts and diagrams to suit all of the above requirements and much more. With over 6000 vector symbols included and an extensive library of pre-drawn illustrations, you will never have to purchase another graphics program ever again!
The best strength about Edraw Max is its flexibility. You can export in any graphics format, PDF, SVG or EPS, print with full WYSIWYG support, or share with others as a Word, Excel, PowerPoint file. You can even link diagrams to underlying data to provide even more detailed information to your audience.
Why Choose Edraw Max
- Uses the diagramming software that best maps to what you know and where you're heading.
- Fully vector-based graphic software, which facilitates the rapid creation of flowcharts, organizational charts, network diagrams and more.
- Supports to import the existing Visio XML file perfectly.
- Just drag the built-in shapes from the library pane and drop them on your page. Drawing couldn't be easier!
- Creates professional-looking diagrams quickly with themes, effects and quick styles.
- Gains greater productivity in diagramming with features like automatically alignment and arrangement of all shapes.
- Includes lots of high-quality shapes, examples and templates.
- Distinct colors, fonts, shapes, styles, pictures, text, and symbols are available for each diagram object.
- Easily visualize complex information with a wide range of diagrams. Make those diagrams even smarter and more useful by linking them to underlying data, which provides a more complete picture of the system or process.
- Works with MS Office well. It can be integrated with Microsoft Office application easily. The UI is MS Office-style like so it's easy to learn and use. If you are familiar with MS Office, you will become familiar with Edraw soon.
- Generics graphic formats support and WYSIWYG printing.
Software Features
- The UI is MS Office style like. Full ribbon features.
- Added Themes, Color Themes, Effects and Fonts. Easy to change the whole diagram by changing the active theme. With the new Theme feature, you can format the colors and effects in an entire diagram with a single click.
- Real-time previews. When you scroll over the various galleries in Edraw, you'll see your drawings and various objects change to display what they'll look like if you decide to apply those settings. Just click on the thumbnail in the gallery to actually accept the changes. This makes it a lot faster to see, for example, how changing a color scheme will affect your drawings.
- Quick layouts and quick styles. These provide quick formatting options for the object in question, and make it easy to create good-looking slides with just a few clicks.
- Put Edraw graphics into Word, Excel, PowerPoint with one-click buttons.
- Text objects supported line space, bullet, Indent, back color, super script, sub script and more.
- Shadows in general are so much nicer compared with those in previous versions. We can actually control the transparency, amount of blur and color now.
- Shape and text presets make it really easy to apply a preset look to an object or text.
- It's quicker to zoom in and out now using the zoom slider in the southeast corner of the screen.
- Table support.
- Recolor picture, Light and Contrast, transparent PNG support.
- Opened the Shape Sheet for senior users to create more complicated shapes.
- More than 2000 clip arts.
- Improved Insert Hyperlink function.
- Enhanced Print function. Support more page sizes such as A0 and A1. You can also print the large size graphics in separate pages.
- Persistent undo and redo.
High quality graphic export. Easy to create SVG graphics.
Whats New:
new function Added the free Edraw Online File Viewer lets users open Edraw files on any device, using your favorite browser. No installation required.
new function Added the function to crop a picture with a shape.
fix bug Added the cuvel text and text on path feature.
fix bug Added the share feature to share the diagram to facebook, twite and other social platform.
fix bug Added the float menu for every shape.
fix bug Added the pixel unit.
new function Improved the text box, lines, arrow shapes, callouts and basic charts.
fix bug Added infographic charts, world maps and map points.
fix bug Added certificate shapes and gift voucher shapes.
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