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برنامج Corel AfterShot Pro عملاق تحرير الصور والتعديل عليه

Corel AfterShot Pro (x64) Multilingual | 143.66 MB

برنامج Corel AfterShot Pro عملاق تحرير الصور والتعديل عليها من أجل عمل التحسينات اللازمة لإزالة الشوائب وإصلاح العيوب بالصور بجانب العديد من الوظائف الأخرى ستعرفها بمجرد تجربتك للبرنامج

أولا التحميل (( من هنا )) 

الشرح .... 

برنامج من أجل التعديل على صوركم وتحسينها وجعلها تبدو رائعة مع عملاق تحرير الصور والتعامل معها بإحترافية Corel AfterShot Pro . والذى يضم العديد من التفاصيل التى تحتاج للشرح والتوضيح فتابعو

بسبب معاناة الكثير من الأشخاص من وجود صور لهم ملتقطة بواسطة الكاميرا ولكن بها العديد من المشاكل مثل عدم الوضوح والشوائب وغيرها ولهذا برنامج أفتر شوت هو الحل المناسب لعلاج وإصلاح تلك المشاكل لأنه يمتلك مجموعة من الأدوات الرائعة التى تساعد المستخدم فى عمل ذلك مثل :

Main layer : توفر تلك الأداة مجموعة من الخيارات الرائعة والتى سيحتاجها المستخدم عند التعديل على الصور مثل التحكم بالألوان والإضاءة وتكبير وتصغير الصور
Gallery : يمكنك إصافة الصور للبرنامج عبر إضافتها من جهاز الكمبيوتر أو من أى قرص قابل للإزالة يتم توصيله بالجهاز ويمكن أيضا نزيل الصور من على الإنترنت من مواقع مثل فيس بوك وتويتر و إنستغرام وغيرهم .
View : أيقونة فيو أو إستعراض بعد النقر عليها فتح لك قائمة ميئة بخيارات مختلفة يمكن الضغط على ما تريده منها مثل عرض الصور بحجم الشاشة او عرض عادى أو حتى سلايد بجانب فتح أكثر من صورة معا و عرض الصور الواحدة تلو الأخرى
Photo info : تستطيع إضافة معلومات ووصف عن الصور وتقييمها أو حتى الإبلاغ عنها بأنه مسيئة ويمكن مشاركتها مع الآخرين عبر الويب
Effects : بالطبع لا يمكن أن غفل عن أداة إضافة المؤثرات الرائعة والتى تعمل على تغيير شكل الصور للأفضل وهناك الكثير من التأثيرات منها تغيير الصور وجعلها بالأبيض والاسود مثل القديمة , وأيضا جعلها مثل الصور المرسومة واللوحات الفنية بجانب إخفاء الشوائب التى تصاحب الصور والتخلص منها ومعالجتها لتكون جميلة
Rotate / slide show : أصبح بالإمكان إستغلال إمكانيات البرنامج فى التحكم بوضعية الصور مع القدرة على عمل عروض وفيديو من الصور المتتابعة بعدها يمكن إضافة خلفية موسيقية وسيصبح لديك فيديو عن الذكريات التى عشتها مع أصدقائك والعائلة ذات جودة عالية

هذه كانت بعض من أدواته الرئيسية وعند تجربته ستجد الواجهة مليئة بالوظائف والأدوات قم بإستغلالها جيدا من أجل إدارة الصور الخاصة بك وتنظيمها وإصلاح ما بها من أخطاء وشوائب لتعود إلى شكلها الاول عندما تم إلتقاطها بالكاميرا , ولا يستهلك البرنامج الكثير من موارد جهاز الكمبيوتر وستجد متعة كبيرة فى العمل عليه ولن تجد مشاكل عند إستخدامه للمرة الأولى .

بإختصار يعد البرنامج أفتر شوت من البرامج الإحترافية والتى يمكن للمستخدم العادى العمل عليها فهى فى متناول يديك قم بإستعراض الصور ولا تنسى التعديلات المطلوبة عليها لتصبح جميلة مرة أخرى .

يدعم ملفات كل أنواع الكاميرات ... التالية .. بشكل مباشر 

Corel AfterShot Pro 3 is up to 4x faster than Adobe Lightroom. It's the photo editor that reveals your true creative potential and frees you: from high costs, from endless subscriptions, from hours spent editing at your computer. Import, process and output faster, and get back behind the camera where you belong with AfterShot Pro 3.

NEW!BeforeAfter Comprehensive Watermarking
Comprehensive Watermarking
Protect and promote your work with versatile Watermarking features. Deter unauthorized copying, brand your photos with your logo or contact info, or add text and graphics. Apply watermarks to individual photos or batches, and easily adjust size, rotation, position, transparency and more.

ENHANCED!BeforeAfter Highlight Recovery
Highlight Recovery
Regain more of the detail and tone from your overexposed photos with enhanced Highlight Recovery. Powered by a new algorithm, this feature lets you access more of the data in your RAW files for superior image quality.

ENHANCED!BeforeAfter Blemish Remover
Blemish Remover
Save time and edit faster by doing more touchups and photo corrections in AfterShot Pro 3, rather than jumping to PaintShop Pro or Adobe® Photoshop®. The new Blemish Remover offers circle, brush, polygon and freehand tools for detailed editing, making portrait editing faster and easier. Remove dust, spots, smudges and a variety of imperfections on any photo.

NEW!Image Preset Library
Image Preset Library
Now it's easier to tap into the power of presets to automate more of your repetitive processing jobs or quickly reproduce a look that would otherwise be tedious to replicate. The new Image Preset Library lets you browse, preview and download free and for-purchase presets.

Lens Correction Development Kit NEW!
Lens Correction Development Kit
Make and share your own lens corrections—ideal for photographers working with rare, unique or spanking new glass. Simply follow the instructions, save your correction, then load it into AfterShot Pro 3—or share online.

Lens Corrections NEW! Before After
Lens Corrections
Update to AfterShot Pro 3 for new, sought-after lens corrections that build on the hundreds of lenses already supported by AfterShot to quickly correct the different types of distortion introduced by various lenses. Join the AfterShot Pro community on Facebook to discover when new lens corrections are posted or to share your own.

See what's new with plugins ENHANCED!
See what's new with plugins
Find and install free and for-purchase plugins, and get updates in a flash with AfterShot Pro 3's new Plugin Manager. Or make your own with our unique plugin API—a love of photography, a knowledge of C++ and the updated Plugin SDK are all you need. Share your plugins freely with the AfterShot community, or work with Corel to sell them.

NEW!Updated RAW camera profiles
Updated RAW camera profiles
We're committed to constantly delivering support for today's most popular, powerful and creative cameras, including professional DSLRs, flexible and high-quality mirrorless cameras, and many more. A new dynamic camera profile updater notifies you when new cameras are added a new feedback mechanism captures and prioritizes your requests with Corel.

NEW!Modular Camera Profiles
Modular Camera Profiles
Get the latest camera profiles sooner—and without patching your software—with dynamic camera updates. Simply browse and download directly from AfterShot Pro 3. Don't see a camera you want? Hit the 'feedback' button and log your request directly to the AfterShot Pro development team.

NEW!Get involved!
Get involved!
AfterShot Pro wants you! Corel has built AfterShot Pro to give you, the photographer, control, letting you make you own plugins, lens corrections and presets. Now a new feedback loop makes it easier for you to send your ideas and requests to the Corel Photo team--better helping us to meet your needs. Simply click 'feedback' and send us your comments.

Powerful non-destructive photo editing
Powerful adjustments
Whether you're shooting in RAW or JPEG, you can alter your photos using a wide variety of adjustment tools, including Crop, Straighten, Highlight Recovery, Noise Removal, Color, Temperature, Exposure, Highlights, Fill Light and more.

Multi-version editing
Easily make adjustments to multiple versions of your master photo without ever changing your original file. Make an unlimited number of versions of one image, with a wide variety of corrections and customizable presets, including Black & White, Cross Processing and more.

Precise control with Selective Editing
Apply adjustments exactly where you want them with unique Layers and Regions capabilities that isolate precise areas of your photo for adjustment.

Local Contrast
Recreate the look of a high-end camera lens and make objects within an image 'pop' by bringing out the texture and dimension in your photos.

High Dynamic Range (HDR) tools
Create impressive photos with intense visual contrast using High Dynamic Range (HDR) tools. Combine multiple exposures to create a single, stunning HDR photo. Within the AfterShot HDR module, apply Smart Photo Fix, White Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Fill Light/Clarity, Local Tone Mapping, High Pass Sharpening, and Digital Noise Removal.

Noise reduction by Athentech
Optimize your images with Athentech Imaging Noise Removal. This award-winning technology automatically adjusts lighting for every pixel in a shot while maintaining true color and zero clipping.

Red eye removal
Get precise control when cleaning up red eye in your photos.
Get complete control with a personalized workflow

Customizable workspace
Easily change the AfterShot Pro workspace any time to suit your task. Hide or show the Thumbnail, Preview, Browse and Tools panel. Choose from several viewing options, including Slideshow, Full Screen and Multi-Image view.

Easy integration with photo editors
Process your RAW photos quickly in AfterShot Pro, then simply click the "Send to External Editor" button to quickly export in TIF to PaintShop Pro, Photoshop or another editor for more detailed editing.

Accurate color correction
Fine tune the color in your photos with several adjustment tools, including Vibrance, Saturation, Color Balance and Mixer and Selective Color Control. Adjust everything from the overall color intensity for the entire image to the intensity of any single color.

Curves and Levels
Apply adjustments exactly where you want them with unique Layers and Regions capabilities that isolate precise areas of your photo for adjustment.

A complete photo manager
Take charge of your photos with extensive photo management support that lets you quickly organize your existing photos, and easily add new ones or catalogs any time. Powerful search tools, star ratings and other management tools let you quickly find photos even in very large collections.

Quick review
Easily compare, filter and select your best photos from any number of similar shots.

Robust search tools
Finding the right photo in a collection of hundreds or thousands is fast with powerful Metadata tools. Add your own searchable keywords, ratings, tags and labels. Or search by camera-written data like date, camera type, settings, aperture and more.

Customizable asset management
Unlike other workflow tools, AfterShot Pro 2 does not force you to import your images into a catalog just to work with them. Easily access your photos in existing folders, on a network or on a memory card. If you wish, try catalogs to take advantage of powerful digital asset management tools to organize your collection as it grows.

Create web galleries
Quickly create a web gallery to share your images online with friends, colleagues or clients. Choose from various gallery styles to control how your photos are displayed.

Back up and archive
Use batches to easily back up and archive your AfterShot Pro catalogs.
The world's fastest RAW processing

Fast batch processing
With up to 4x faster performance than Adobe® Lightroom®* when exporting from RAW to JPEG and offering easy-to-configure batch processing, AfterShot Pro 3 speeds you through batch processing. Take advantage of presets or custom settings, and easily set up batches for Web, print, galleries or easy backup.

64-bit processing power
Get more processing power, remove memory limitations and work with much larger images, including files of up to 250 Megapixels in size and TIFF format files larger than 30 MB with AfterShot Pro's 64-bit architecture. Access more memory, and get more stability and responsiveness app-wide. Building on our world famous multi-core performance, AfterShot Pro is up to 4x faster than Lightroom*—delivering results sooner and saving you even more time.

OpenCL support
OpenCL lets you tap into the power of graphics cards (the GPU) to boost AfterShot Pro's processing speed. Depending on the graphics card and your computer system, the results can be dramatic. Give it try to see what OpenCL can do for you.

System Requirements:
Windows® 10, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 8, Windows® 7 with latest service pack (64-bit editions)
64-bit Intel or AMD processor (multi-core processor recommended)
2 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended for HDR)
400 MB of available hard-disk space required
1024x768 resolution with 16-bit color display (1280 x 768 resolution with 24 bit or higher color display recommended)
Internet connection required for online help and program updates