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هل امتلكت جهازا جديدا و تريد نقل كل ما لديك من برامج و ملفات و اعدادات من جهازك القديم اليه؟ | Laplink PCmover

Laplink PCmover Enterprise 10.1.649 | Windows x86/x64 | English | File Size: 159.95 MB

هل امتلكت جهازا جديدا و تريد نقل كل ما لديك من برامج و ملفات و اعدادات من جهازك القديم اليه؟
او لديك جهازان تستعملهما و تريدهما متطابقين؟
هذا البرنامج و كما تقول الشركة المنتجة هو الوحيد في العالم الذي يمكنه فعل هذا
و مجلة PC MAGAZINE تضعه خيار المحرر و هي جائزة رفيعة
فلنرى سوية مواصفاته

بامكان البرنامج نقل ما يلي من جهاز الى اخر:
Microsoft Office
Design Programs
PC Games
Instant Messengers
Financial and Tax Software
Desktop Backgrounds
Browser Settings
Internet & Network Settings

اي باختصار كل شيء
ثبت البرنامج على الجهاز القديم و على الجديد
اوصل الجهازين
ثم اختر ما تريد نقله و انقله الى الجهاز الجديد الذي سيبدو كجهازك القديم بدون ان تفقد شيئا نقلته
و هذا هو معالج البرنامج السهل فعلا
1- اختيار التوصيل و هو يتم اما ب كابل توصيل فيزيائي من نوع يو اس بي USB من الطرفين او الشبكة الموصول اليها الجهازين او سيدي او ديفيدي
2-اختر ما تريد نقله من تطبيقات
3- اختر اعدادات المستخدم و الاعدادات الاخرى اذا اردت
4- دع الجهاز يقوم بالنقل

تحميل نسخة (( من هنا )) 

PCmover Professional is the ONLY software that automatically moves or restores all selected files, settings, user profiles, and even programs from an old PC to a new one, or old operating system to a new one. And because most transferred applications are installed ready-to-use on the new PC, there’s usually no need to find old CDs, previously downloaded programs, serial numbers or license codes.

PCmover Professional is the easiest way to restore or move to a new PC without leaving anything behind, even when there are different versions of Windows on the old and new PC. Nothing is changed on the old PC and nothing is overwritten on the new PC.

Step 1: Install
Simply install PCmover Professional on both your old and new computers and go!

Step 2: Transfer
Click through the easy-to-use wizard to select which type of transfer you want to do.

Step 3: Done!
Your new computer has the same personality and functionality as your old PC. No need to reinstall programs because PCmover did it for you.

Easy to use
Install PCmover on both of your computers and follow the simple setup to start transferring everything you select to your new PC or upgraded operating system.

Quick Setup
Quickly set up your new PC with the help of a certified PC migration expert, over the phone or remotely.

Keep Everything
Automatically transfer the programs, files, and settings you choose to your new PC. Programs are installed and ready to use right away.

Set it and forget it!
You start the transfer and walk away. PCmover does the rest!

What's New in PCmover Professional 10:
- Easy-to-Use Wizard
- Now Includes Free Transfer Assistance!
- Supports transfers to Windows 10
- Complete Selectivity
- Multiple Transfer Scenarios
- User Profile Selectivity
- Undo Feature
- Supports transfers from XP